1. TENANCY AGREEMENT: The Plot-holder / joint Plot-holders are required to sign an Association Tenancy Agreement. In doing so they signify that they have read and understood the Association's Constitution and these Rules and agree to abide by them.
2. INHERITANCE: The Plot-holder does not have a right to nominate his successor and no one can claim to be a successor tenant - there is no right of inheritance. However, there is provision for tenancies to be held jointly with the work being shared between two tenants. The departure of one of the names would leave the other name as sole tenant.
3. RENT: A rent must be paid as stipulated in the Association's Constitution. Normal practice will be to allow the existing tenant to have automatic right to renewal of that tenancy.
4. ACCESS: Payment of the rent allows the plot holder access to the plot(s) as detailed on the tenancy agreement and to common areas. (There may be times when a parking area is off-limits when barred by the Site Manager). Other plots should only be visited with the consent of the appropriate Plot-holder.
Committee members shall have unrestricted access to all plots in carrying out Committee responsibilities.
5. SECURITY: The Plot-holder shall take all reasonable steps to maintain the security of the allotment site including ensuring that entrance gates are locked on entering and leaving.
6. VISITORS: Access to the Plot is permitted to the Plot-holder and to members of their immediate family with prior approval of the Site Manager. Visitors brought onto the site must be accompanied at all times by the Plot holder or their approved immediate family. No other visitors to the site are permitted except by prior arrangement with the Site Manager and they should have with them the rent card or written authority from the Plot-holder. Plot-holders shall take responsibility for the actions of their family, visitors and dogs whilst on site to ensure these rules are followed.
7. PURPOSE: The Plot is to be used as an allotment garden.
8. CONDITION: The Plot is to be kept clean, free from weeds and well fertilised and otherwise maintained in a good state of cultivation and fertility and in good condition, any grassed areas including pathways are to be kept reasonably cut and free from weeds.
Friends and family may help on a plot (with the knowledge of the site manager) but the registered plot-holder(s) must take an active part in the cultivation. Outside contractors may only be employed for specific projects – with the agreement of the site manager.
9. NEGLECT: Should the Plot become neglected and overgrown to such an extent that it is considered to be causing or likely to cause problems for other plots the Committee reserve the right to take appropriate action (such as cutting down weed growth). All reasonable steps will be taken to consult the Plot-holder and although all reasonable care will be taken should action be necessary the Committee will not be liable should any damage to crops result.
10. PATHWAYS: A minimum pathway of 24 inches must be maintained between adjoining plots.
11. NUISANCE: Nothing should be done or permitted on a Plot which would/could cause any distress or nuisance to or on adjacent properties, to other plots, to paths, to roadways, to parking areas etc.
12. TENANT: The Plot must not be sublet or re-assigned in any way except by the Site Manager.
13. REMOVAL: No soil, timber or other such material may be removed without the agreement of the Site Manager.
14. BOUNDARIES: Boundary hedges trees, fences etc. should not be pruned or otherwise maintained except with the agreement of the Site Manager. Plot holders may be required by the Site Manager to undertake routine maintenance of the hedges.
15. STRUCTURES: The Plot Holder may erect necessary structures on the plot subject to the condition that the nature of the structure, its construction method, size and position are all agreed with the Site Manager (in consultation with adjacent plot holders) prior to commencing works. Any Plot holder who procures and/or erects a structure without the prior consultation and consent of the Site Manager does so at their risk and may be asked to remove it at their own expense.
For the avoidance of doubt, the relocation or extension of an existing structure is deemed to constitute a new structure. All structures, whether existing or new, are to be maintained in a good state of repair and used for their intended purpose.
16. HAZARDS: Barbed wire or similar material may not be used around the border of the Plot. A Plot-holder knowingly bringing onto a site any banned materials, as defined and published by the Association Committee, shall be deemed to have terminated their tenancy. Any such material inadvertently imported shall be removed, immediately, at the Plot-holder's expense.
17. TREES: Trees which require more than twelve months to mature should not be planted except with the agreement of the Site Manager. All trees must be of a crop bearing species and be limited to eight feet (2.4 metres) in height. No tree may be removed without the prior agreement of the Site Manager and the complete removal of trunk, stump and roots from site must be included.
18. BONFIRES. Open bonfires are not permitted on any site at any time. Appropriate material may be burnt in a suitable incinerator - up to around 90 litres in size. The only material allowed to be burnt on a plot is dry garden waste - that is plant waste or wood waste from allotment structures. Household or other outside waste must not be brought onto a site for burning. Burning may not take place earlier than three hours before sunset daily and must be properly controlled so as not to create a nuisance (particularly smoke) for other Plot-holders and neighbouring residents and roads. Fires shall be fully damped down and extinguished before the Plot-holder leaves the site such that they cannot smoulder and re-ignite later.
19. DOGS: Dogs must be kept on a lead and properly controlled and must not be allowed to foul pathways, plots or any other area of the site.
20. HOSES: The use of garden hoses or sprinklers is not permitted.
21. WATER: The water tanks provided must be used solely for the filling of watering cans and similar containers. They must not be used for washing equipment or produce. Plot-holders should show consideration to others by avoiding over-use and allowing time for the tanks to refill. Containers and other equipment, which have been in contact with chemicals such as weed killers, must be kept clear of the water-tanks.
22. ANIMALS: No animals or livestock of any kind may be kept upon the Plot. Bees may be kept, providing all regulations as laid down by the Committee are observed.
23. ADVERTISING: No commercial notice or advertisement may be erected on the Plot.
24. CROPS: Crops may not be grown on the plot specifically for commercial purposes.
25. PERMITTED MATERIALS: Materials for the construction of raised beds must be agreed by the Site Manager.
26. VEHICLES: All vehicles on a site will, at all times, observe the site speed limit and parking restrictions.
27. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: The Plot-holder shall inform the Association of any change of contact details.
28. GATE KEYS: Gate keys remain the property of the Association; these are deemed to be "on loan" to the Plot-holder during the life of the tenancy. On termination of the tenancy, keys must be returned to the Association at which time the deposit(s) paid will be refunded. The key deposit is forfeited for lost keys and replacement keys will be available at the current deposit level. The only gate keys to be used are those issued by the Association. They must not be copied nor allowed to be used by unauthorised persons.
29. RULES: If there are concerns that the plot is not being maintained to the required standard then the Site-Manager will seek to resolve the issue with the plot-holder(s) who will be expected to make any necessary improvements within an agreed timetable and avoid recurrence. If there isn't a satisfactory resolution, then the Committee will determine the action to be taken within the terms of the Constitution - this includes the plot-holder's final right of appeal.
30. DISPUTE: In the event of a dispute between plot-holders the matter must be referred to the Site Manager. If the dispute remains unsettled, then the matter should be referred in writing to the Secretary for discussion and appropriate action. Any decision is subject to appeal as defined in the Constitution. Notices may be served personally, by post or left at the last known address of the Plot Holder.
Updated following AGM 27/11/22