Plot-holders generally have the freedom to grow whatever they want on their plot – but there are bound to be some restrictions to ensure that problems aren’t caused to other plot-holders or for those coming onto the plot in the future.
Hopefully the contents of this document will gradually expand to cover further subjects such as the use of pesticides, ‘wilding’, ponds, flowers v crops.
In applying these guidelines, we should seek to be supportive of plot holders, encouraging them in improving their plots, experimenting with new crops and so on whilst preventing that which might cause problems for others.
1. Trees
1.1 Our Lease and Rules impose some very basic constraints and no trees may be planted on a plot, moved or removed without the prior involvement and consent of the site manager.
Trees are a long-term crop and introducing, modifying and removing them needs some thought especially when taking on a new plot.
1.2 New Trees –
* All trees must be crop-bearing and restricted in growth to 8 feet (2.4m) in height
* Trees can have a variety of shapes and sizes and the choice of rootstock is important. Involve your site manager and seek advice if you are unsure before deciding. The details which follow should provide the basis for avoiding future problems but they cannot cover all possibilities.
* All trees must be planted such that, when fully grown, they will not shade or otherwise affect other plots or pathways.
* Standard (bush) trees should be limited to two on a half plot – planted at least 3m apart and 1½ m from any path/boundary.
* Step-over trees may be close to paths but must not restrict mower access.
* Other controlled growth trees (cordon, espalier, fan etc) should be limited to two ‘rows’ on a half plot, the rows at least ¾m from any path.
* Trees should be sited so that they would not cause difficulties if a full plot were to be split up at a future date.
1.3 Existing Trees –
Unless they are causing practical problems such as blocking paths, existing trees will usually be left alone until the current plot-holder leaves.
* if overhanging paths then prune back. If no space to prune then remove
* if too large for the plot then try pruning to reduce spread else remove
* if too many then remove (at least some). If a choice is involved then allow to produce fruit first so we can check quality etc
* if a tree must be removed - if it’s fairly new then act at the right time of year and replant otherwise scrap (including complete removal of stump and roots).
Agreed by Committee 08/07/2022