This website is intended to provide information and Association News for our members. If others find it of use then they are very welcome. THE SITE IS UNDER DEVELOPMENT
Our previous '.com' site is no longer available.
Spring onion sets, garlic and shallots are in stock - sold out of red onions.
Our potato stock is listed here.
JI peat-free compost now in stock
Seed ordering through the Shop has now closed for this season
When one of our plots becomes available it will be offered to the next person on our waiting list. The length of the list (or the likely time to wait) has varied over the years from a few months to a few years. If you would like to join the list or just find out more about acquiring a plot then just use the Contact email system or visit our Shop.
Currently anyone applying for a plot must be resident in CT5, CT6 or CT7 areas -
that's roughly Herne Bay and Whitstable. Canterbury is outside our area.
All plot-holders are automatically members who can make use of our facilities. Anyone wishing to use the Shop and other facilities who is not a plot-holder can join us as an Associate Member for a nominal annual fee. Just visit the Shop to sign up. There is no geographical restriction - we have associate members in Canterbury and Thanet amongst other areas.
From 2025 our annual plot rents are £60 for a full plot (c 250 sqm) with others pro-rata. Associate membership costs £1 annually. Gate key deposits for plot-holders are £50.
New plot-holders are usually allocated a half plot.
To contact us for any reason - whether to apply for a plot, to order from our Shop, to comment on this website or whatever - just visit our Shop during opening hours or send us an email.
You can send an email using the contact button showing in the bottom right of any screen
Herne Bay Allotments and Gardens Association is a self-governing body which administers allotment sites in Herne Bay, a seaside town on the north coast of Kent.
We operate within a lease from Canterbury City Council which owns the land,
As well as managing allotment plots we run a small shop for members and organise a range of activities such as quizzes, trips to gardens and various small interest groups .
Local residents who are not plot-holders can enrol as Associate Members which enables them to make use of our facilities
Until recently our Eddington site took part in the annual Kent Allotments and Gardens Council competition and won the small sites section several times. In 2006 we were judged the best site in Great Britain by the Kitchen Garden Magazine. The following year we won the Southern area section in the Digging For Victory competition organized by UKTV Gardens, which resulted in a TV programme being made about the site.